Our services

At DGR, we offer a comprehensive range of exterior cleaning services in Chesterfield, designed to keep your property looking pristine. Our professional jet washing service removes dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces, including patios and driveways, restoring their original shine. We also specialize in drive cleaning and re-sanding, ensuring your driveway looks as good as new while enhancing its durability. Our gutter cleaning service prevents blockages and water damage by thoroughly clearing out leaves and debris. Additionally, our roof cleaning service removes moss, algae, and lichen, extending the lifespan of your roof and improving its appearance. With our experienced team and high-quality equipment, we guarantee a deep clean and exceptional results every time.

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Our driveway jet washing and re-sanding service in Chesterfield will restore the look and condition of your driveway. Using powerful jet washing equipment, we remove dirt, stains, and moss, leaving your driveway looking fresh and clean. After cleaning, we apply fresh sand between the joints of your paving, which not only improves the appearance but also helps prevent weed growth and stabilizes the surface. With our professional service, your driveway will be left looking like new, with enhanced durability and curb appeal.


Our gutter cleaning service in Chesterfield ensures your gutters are free from debris, leaves, and blockages. We use professional tools to safely clear your gutters, preventing water damage, leaks, and potential structural issues. Regular gutter maintenance is essential for protecting your home and ensuring proper water flow, especially during heavy rain. With our expert team, you can trust that your gutters will be thoroughly cleaned and restored to full functionality, keeping your property safe and well-maintained.

brown and gray brick floor
brown and gray brick floor
Gutter Cleaning Services
Gutter Cleaning Services
Roof Cleaning Services
Roof Cleaning Services

Our roof cleaning service in Chesterfield removes moss, algae, and lichen, restoring the appearance and condition of your roof. Using safe and effective techniques, we gently clean your roof to prevent damage while removing unsightly buildup that can lead to costly repairs. Regular roof cleaning helps prolong the lifespan of your roof, improves drainage, and enhances the overall curb appeal of your property. Trust our expert team to keep your roof in top shape, ensuring it looks great and functions efficiently for years to come.

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